Mississippi State Department of Health

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Mississippi has one of the highest rates of births to teen mothers in the nation.

Becoming a parent before reaching full education and employment means a harder life for you and your child. Often it means permanent underemployment and a new cycle of early parenthood for your child when he or she becomes a teen.

Choose to make a better life for yourself and your children. Look into the resources that help you if you want to delay parenthood, or if you are a teen who already has a child or who is expecting one.

Get the Facts

Links referenced on this page
Fact, Not Fiction    http://factnotfiction.com/
StayTeen.org    http://stayteen.org
For Parents: Help Your Teen Make Healthy Choices About Sex    https://www.cdc.gov/teenpregnancy/parent-guardian-resources/index.htm

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